Welcome to a comprehensive course on Algorithms and Data Structures. By the end of the course, you’ll have enough knowledge to massively optimize programs, develop an intuition of how efficient each program is, and ace interviews at top tech companies like Google, Meta, Amazon, etc. The course starts from the basics of algorithms and data structures and dives deep into the most popular topics in the field.
Large tech companies like Google, Meta, Netflix, and Amazon conduct their interviews checking for deep knowledge of data structures and algorithms. Completing this course will make sure you are prepared for those interviews.
Freelance platforms like Toptal or Turing require their applicants to be fluent in Data Structures and Algorithms. So, their screening processes include several interviews focusing on algorithmic knowledge.
📚 Prerequisites
This course is designed for people who already have some background in a general-purpose programming language (like Python, C++, Java, or C#), and would like to dive deep into the world of algorithms and data structures. Before starting this course, you should feel confident with working with loops, creating functions, and using the built-in data structures (like lists, sets, or maps).
🤩 Outcomes
By the end of this course, you’ll know how to use various popular data structures to write efficient algorithms that would perform an order of magnitude faster than naive solutions. We will cover best practices for writing code for algorithms and how to prepare for algorithmic interviews.
This course focuses on the mastery of each concept. So, you will work with different algorithms and will implement their variations to solve many problems to fully master each of those.
💻 Learn By Doing
The goal of learning algorithms isn’t just learning the theory.
The goal is to develop problem-solving skills.
In this course, you learn by doing! Each concept has several interactive challenges that you will solve to pass on to the next one. In fact, there are more than 400 practical coding problems in this course. We believe that hands-on learning is the best way to get in-depth knowledge. Here you will have many challenging and at the same time interesting exercises to practice each and every concept that is covered.
⚡ Study At Your Own Pace
You can go hard and complete several levels in one week, or take it slow and focus on each concept for longer. You get to decide the pace that works for you. The only requirement to successfully finish the course is consistency. Practicing 1 or 2 hours every day has tremendously higher returns than practicing once a week for several hours.
To make sure you don’t get stuck, there is a forum to ask questions. You can ask questions or help others by answering theirs under each challenge.
🎓 Curriculum
This course focuses on the core concepts of Data Structures and Algorithms and introduces each of them in an intuitive manner. To make the process more fun and engaging, the concepts are organized into levels, and passing each level means you’ve mastered a new concept. These are the main things we will be covering here:
Implementation problems
The algorithm is stated right in the problem
Work with basic data structures like arrays, dictionaries, sets, etc.
Bitwise operations
The binary representation of numbers (int → bin, bin → int conversions)